GTA 5 Cheat Codes: Hacks and Secrets to Dominate Los Santos

Grand Theft Auto V, or GTA 5, is one of the most open and wide games. The world can be explored and done everything for endless mayhem. Among all the methods of having fun in GTA 5, cheat codes are popular because they allow you to unlock a number of interesting features, including invincibility, spawning vehicles and weapons.

How to Enter GTA 5 cheat codes

GTA 5 Cheat Codes 3

Before proceeding to the list of cheat codes, let’s find out how to enter them:

  1. Pause the Game: You may press the pause button from your controller.
  2. Open the Phone: On your controller, open your phone app.
  3. Dial the Code: Enter the code using your number pad.
  4. Confirm: Press the call button to activate the cheat.

A Word of Caution with GTA 5 Cheat Codes:

While cheat codes are fun to mess around with, using them too much will lessen the whole game experience. They are better used in moderation, with most of them only useful for testing or if one needs to get over something specific.

GTA 5 Cheat Codes

Here is a list of all the GTA 5 cheat codes categorized by their effect on the game.

Player Cheats:

GTA 5 Cheat Codes 2
  • Invincibility: PAUSEMICHEAL
  • Infinite Ammo: ROCKETMAN
  • Super Jump: HOPTOIT
  • Run Faster: CATCHME
  • Slow Motion: SLOWMO
  • Drunk Mode: LIQUOR
  • Fast Run: TURBO
  • Increase Wanted Level: FUGITIVE
  • Decrease Wanted Level: LAWABIDING

Vehicle Cheats:

  • Spawn a Comet: COMEFLYWITHME
  • Spawn a Limo: VINEWOOD
  • Spawn a Tank: TANKER
  • Spawn a Monster Truck: BIGFOOT
  • Spawn a Jetpack: ROCKET
  • Spawn a Helicopter: OHDUDE
  • Spawn a Bicycle: BMX
  • Spawn a Rapid GT: RAPIDGT
  • Spawn a Duster: FLYINGFISH

Weapon Cheats:

  • Weapons Unlimited: KNUCKLEUP
  • Melee Weapons: FISTOFTHENORTH
  • Sniper Rifle: SNYPER
  • Shotgun: BOOMSTICK

Money Cheats:

  • $250,000: MONEY
  • $500,000: BAGSBIG
ActionPC Cheat CodePS4 Cheat CodeXbox One Cheat Code
Lower wanted levelLAWYERUPR1, R2, Circle, X, Right, Left, Right, LeftRB, RT, B, Y, Right, Left, Right, Left
Raise wanted levelFUGITIVER1, R2, Circle, X, Left, Right, Left, RightRB, RT, B, Y, Left, Right, Left, Right
Full HealthTURTLECircle, L1, R1, X, Right, Down, Left, UpB, LB, RB, A, Right, Down, Left, Up
Full ArmorPAINKILLERR2, Circle, L1, X, Down, Up, Down, UpRT, B, LB, A, Down, Up, Down, Up
Money, Armor, HealthCATCHMER2, L1, Square, X, Left, Down, Right, UpRT, LB, X, A, Left, Down, Right, Up
Fast RunCYNPRCPCTriangle, Left, Right, Right, L2, L1Y, Left, Right, Right, LT, LB
Fast SwimGOTGILLSLeft, Left, L1, L2, Right, Right, R2, R2Left, Left, LB, LT, Right, Right, RT, RT
Super JumpHOPTOITTriangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Right, RightY, Up, Up, Left, Right, Right, Right
Infinite Lung CapacityLIQUIDGOLDDown, Down, L1, R2, Right, Left, Right, LeftDown, Down, LB, RT, Right, Left, Right, Left
Change WeatherMAKEITRAINR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, R1RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, RB
Drunk ModeLIQUORCircle, Right, R2, R1, X, Down, Down, LeftB, Right, RT, RB, A, Down, Down, Left
Spawn Sports Car (Comet)COMETR2, Circle, Right, Up, Right, L2, XRT, B, Right, Up, Right, LT, A
Spawn Tank (Rhino)PANZERR2, Right, Circle, Circle, R2, Up, Down, LeftRT, Right, B, B, RT, Up, Down, Left
Spawn Helicopter (Buzzard)BUZZOFFRight, Circle, R2, L2, L2, Down, Down, DownRight, B, RT, LT, LT, Down, Down, Down
Spawn Car (Stinger)RARESTOYR1, R2, Circle, Circle, L2, Left, Down, UpRB, RT, B, B, LT, Left, Down, Up
Slow Motion (1 Level)SLOWMOSquare, Left, Right, R2, R2, Circle, CircleX, Left, Right, RT, RT, B, B

How to redeem cheat codes in GTA 5

GTA 5 Cheat Codes 1
  1. Stop the game: Press the pause button from your controller.
  2. Open the Phone: Open the phone application on your controller.
  3. Dial the Code: Use the number pad to enter the specific cheat code you want to use.
  4. Confirm: Press the call button to activate the cheat.

Additional Tips

GTA 5 Cheat Codes
  • Platform Differences: Although the core cheat codes are the same for all platforms (PS4, Xbox One, PC), there might be slight differences in input methods.
  • Limitations of Cheat Codes There are some limitations attached to certain cheat codes; these might be time or situation-based.
  • Save Game Before Using Cheats: Always save your game before using cheats since sometimes cheats will make the game glitch at the wrong time or it fail unexpectedly.


By responsibly using these cheats, you would elevate your gameplay of GTA 5 and open some new routes. Never forget to have a balance between the usage of the cheats and the other ways of the game play so that it will allow offering in-depth complex plays.

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