Welcome to this comprehensive guide as we marry two intriguing worlds together: the dark and atmospheric Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights and the enigmatic Ender Lilies plant from the End dimension in Minecraft. You’re on a journey to visit the treacherous landscapes of Metroidvania or cultivate rare plants within Minecraft, and this blog will prepare you for all that lies ahead.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights – Complete Walkthrough

Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights is Metroidvania within a beautifully haunting, devastated world wrought by the Rain of Death. Play as Lily, a young priestess who will go on a perilous journey to understand the truth behind the Blight that decimated the land. Below’s a step-by-step walkthrough to help you get through this challenging yet rewarding gameplay.
Getting Started: The Cathedral of the Sacred Tree
The game starts in the Cathedral of the Sacred Tree where Lily is found to be in a kingdom overtaken by Blight. Here, you are introduced to some of the most basic elements of how movement and combat work, including healing.
Key Mechanics to Master:
- Movement: You can jump, slide, and dodge. Further in the game, you unlock the ability to swim, also with double jumping.
- Combat: Summoning spirits is the main idea of combat. The first spirit you get is called Umbral Knight, an agile melee-based knight, that will be by your side in combat.
- Healing: you can only have so many prayers, which restore health. Respite Points are checkpoints where you can save the game, rest, and heal.
First Boss: Guardian Siegrid
DURING your exploration of the Cathedral, you’ll encounter your first major boss: Guardian Siegrid. Slow but dealing heavy damage, she should always be dodged and struck during openings to defeat her. This unlocks Guardian Siegrid’s Spirit, through which you can wield a ranged attack that is often useful against flying enemies.
Items to Look for:
- Relics: Passive bonuses that can enhance Lily’s combat prowess or increase her health.
- Amulet Fragments: The fragments improve Lily’s maximum health and most can be found behind breakable walls.
Expanding Your Powers: The Witch’s Thicket and Blight-Stained Forest

Once the Cathedral is defeated, you’ll gain access to the Blight-Stained Forest, which includes stronger foes and poisoned environments.
The Witch’s Thicket
You are now facing enemies that will attack with magical projectiles from a distance; do not stand still and have some patience. This stretch is really important to find valuable spirits and relics.
- Spirit: Beheader of the Nameless: Dodges incoming damage, making this useful when struggling through tougher enemies and bosses.
- Relic: Blighted Fang: Increases the damage that your spirits do. Certainly essential in the earlier parts of the game.
Second Boss: Dark Witch Eleine
In the final area, you will encounter Dark Witch Eleven, one of the most agile bosses in the game with multitudes of magics. Here, you should evade her fire and attack her when she stays still. Upon defeating her, you’ll obtain Dark Witch Eleven’s Spirit, an addition to your mighty magic attack.
Gaining Advanced Abilities: The Verboten Domain and Twin Spires
Once you get Dark Witch Eleven’s spirit, you can then enter the Verboten Domain, where very important movement abilities will be found inside.
The Verboten Domain
This is a huge maze containing enemies as well as platforming challenges. Here, you will receive Silva’s Wings, which will add double jump functionality to you.
- Spirit: Hidden Sorcerer: Provides yet another ranged attack option besides those already provided by Eleine.
The Twin Spires
The Twin Spires houses more complex platforming challenges and valuable items like the Chain of Sorcery. This relic enables you to equip more spirits, giving you more flexibility in battles.
- Boss: Western and Eastern Knights: These two knights fight together, so avoid them and defeat them step by step. Defeating them grants you the Executioner’s Hook that allows you to grapple to specific points in the environment.

Final Power-Ups: The Stockade and Ruined Castle
The Stockade
You have gotten even stronger with tougher enemies here. Use your spirits wisely and manage your life stocks.
- Spirit: Old Fighter: A melee spirit inside the Stockade. This one lets loose with some huge hits.
- Boss: Ulv, the Mad Knight: Ulv is a nasty boss-be sure to think of him as light by speed, as he attacks pretty fast. You get to unlock Ulv’s Fury. This is an explosive, high-damage Spirit.
The Ruined Castle
This is the final major zone, housing the game’s most hard-hitting enemies. Be prepared to use everything you’ve learned and unlocked up until this point to stay alive here.
- Relic: King’s Crown: Also increases overall damage; hence, the last bosses would get relatively more manageable.
- Boss: Blighted Lord: He is the last penultimate boss of the game. Take care to dodge well and unleash all your might with the most powerful of your spirits against him.
Final Showdown: The White Priestess and Endings
Boss: The White Priestess
The last boss fight puts you up against the White Priestess, an area-of-effect attacker. Try to avoid them at all costs and simply rely on your highest damage spirits to defeat her once she is cornered. To celebrate victory, you’ll be rewarded with one of many possible endings unlocked by choices.
Part 2: Growing Ender Lilies in Minecraft
Now that you have mastered the world of Ender Lilies, let’s change gears and discuss another interesting matter—growing Ender Lilies in Minecraft. These rare plants are present in the End dimension, and they are used for brewing some of the most powerful potions, one such drink being Dragon’s Breath.
Step 1: Gather Necessary Materials
To get started with growing Ender Lilies, you will require the following items:
- Ender Pearls: Ender Pearls can be obtained by killing Endermen.
- Chorus Fruit: Obtainable only in the End, and also teleports you throughout the End and aids in growing Ender Lilies.

Step 2: Enter the End
The End: To get into The End, you must kill the Wither to obtain an End Portal Frame. Put that frame down and activate it with Eyes of Ender (you’ll make one by combining Ender Pearls and Nether Wart) and then step through the portal into The End.
Step 3: Locate End Islands
In The End, locate the End Islands, where there is Ender Lily. End Islands are often covered in purple and must have a large obsidian pillar.
Step 4: Harvest Ender Lilies
After locating an End Island, locate the large purple tall Ender Lily plants, and harvest one of them; be careful, as Endermen patrol here commonly.
Step 5: Grow Ender Lilies
You cannot plant Ender Lilies directly in the Overworld but you can grow them in Chorus Forest.
- Plant Chorus Fruit: Plant Chorus Fruit on a block of End Stone. A Chorus Plant will grow there.
- Harvest Chorus Flowers: When the Chorus Plant matures, break it to obtain Chorus Flowers.
- Create a Chorus Forest: Put Chorus Flowers in a 3×3 pattern on the End Stone so Ender Lilies will grow naturally from a Chorus Forest.
Part 3: Gaining Movement Abilities – The Verboten Domain and the Twin Spires
The Forbidden Land:
You get the spirit of Dark Witch Eleven, and from there on, you may access the Verboten Domain’s expansive environment hosting new enemies and challenging platforming. In this area, you will unlock a very important ability Wings-which allows Lily to double jump, thus opening your access to previously inaccessible areas.
- Spirit: Hidden Sorcerer: This is the spirit that you may get once you are in the Verboten Domain. Of course, this spirit gives you one more ranged attack besides Elaine’s magic spirit.
The Twin Spires:
The Verboten Domain is immediately followed by the Twin Spires. This is where true platforming begins, and you will find yourself executing more accurate double jumps. Be sure to check out the spires for some valuable relics and amulet fragments as well.
- Relic: Chain of Sorcery: Consider this a relic of utmost necessity; it enables an extra spirit in the build, making your options super vast.
- Boss: Western and Eastern Knights: Two knights fight together during the boss fight. Switch which knight you’re not attacking and try to focus on the other knight. Once you kill them, you can get the Executioner’s Hook that lets you grapple to certain points.
Part 4: Final Power Ups – The Stockade and the Ruined Castle
The Stockade:
However, it is in the Stockade where you will be encountering very tough enemies: mighty Blighted knights and sorcerers. To succeed, there is the need to utilize all spirits efficiently and health needs to be managed very carefully.
- Spirit: Ancient Warrior: He can be found within the Stockade; Ancient Warrior is an exceptionally powerful melee spirit that complements well-existing ones.
- Boss: Ulv, the Mad Knight: Ulv is one of the most difficult bosses and he uses swift combos mixed with AoE attacks. After you defeat him, you get to make use of the super-powerful explosive spirit Ulv’s Fury which will cause a huge amount of damage.
The Ruined Castle:
The Ruined Castle will be the last primary location with the strongest enemies and challenges for the game. Make use of all abilities and spirits learned so far.
- Relic: King’s Crown: This relic raises your damage exponentially, and you will easily win the last bosses.
- Boss: Blighted Lord: This fight is against the Blighted Lord, who is the second last boss. It tests your patience and reflexes mainly. Dodge his attacks and call all your most powerful spirits to win.
Part 5: Final Showdown – The White Priestess and Endings
Boss: The White Priestess
The final boss of Ender Lilies is a horrifically enthralling fight with a nearly unstoppable enemy in the White Priestess. There’s nothing but an avoidance dance coupled with careful deployment of your highest-damage spirits to take her down.
Having defeated her, you will have completed Lily’s Journey and unlock one of several endings based on the choices you’ve made throughout the game.
Tips for Success in Minecraft
- Bring a Bow: Endermen are hostile mobs, but you can easily beat them from far away with a bow.
- Looting Enchantment: This increases the chances of receiving more Ender Lilies when harvesting.
- Explore several End Islands: When you cannot find Ender Lilies on one island, look at other islands.
From now on, whether you are doing something in Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights or cultivating Ender Lilies in Minecraft, this guide has prepared you with more than enough information for success. Best of luck in your gaming escapades!
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