How To Beat Dynamax Beldum 2024

With such a vast amount of power, Dynamax Beldum is Steel/Psychic, that will threaten the opponents so easily in the battle. But that does not mean you have to step down because of the opponent. There is a strategy you can make use of with some perfect Pokémon. Here’s an in-depth guide about Dynamax Beldum strengths and weaknesses, the most efficient counter-strategies, and team compositions for victory.

Understanding Dynamax Beldum

How To Beat Dynamax Beldum

Before coming up with a strategy, there are strengths and weaknesses about Dynamax Beldum:


  • Power: Dynamax Beldum’s Steel/Psychic typing gives access to powerful moves such as Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, and Psychic Fangs, which can deal much damage.
  • Durability: Its Steel typing provides excellent physical defense, making it difficult to knock down with physical attacks.
  • Status Infliction: Thunder Wave and Toxic Spikes can poison and slow down your team members.


  • Fire Weakness: Fire-type moves are super effective against Steel/Psychic types, which is very helpful in the team.
  • Ground Weakness: Ground-type attacks can exploit Beldum’s weakness.
  • Psychic Vulnerability: Psychic-type moves are highly effective against Beldum.

Effective Counter-Strategies

How To Beat Dynamax Beldum

The following strategies can help you take down Dynamax Beldum:

1. Fire-Type Pokémon:

  • Charizard: A very traditional choice with strong Fire-type moves such as Fire Blast and Flamethrower.
  • Infernape: A very versatile Pokémon, with a mix of Fire and Fighting-type moves, such as Flare Blitz and Close Combat.
  • Blaziken: A very physical attacker with moves such as Blaze Kick and Fire Punch.

2. Ground-Type Pokémon:

  • Garchomp: A very formidable physical attacker with moves such as Earthquake and Dragon Claw.
  • Landorus-Therian- a defensive powerhouse, could potentially use moves like Ground-type Earthquake and Rock Slide.
  • Excadrill – fast physical attacker – using moves such as Drill Run and Earthquake,

3. Psychic-Type Pokémon:

  • Alakazam: One of the special attackers-the most powerful Psychic and with high damage from Focus Blast
  • Metagross, A bulky Pokémon, uses strong Steel-type moves while maintaining high stats for special Attack.
  • Espeon: A fast special attacker with Psychic and Shadow Ball.

Optimal Team Compositions

How To Beat Dynamax Beldum

Here are some sample team compositions that would be efficient in countering Dynamax Beldum:

Team 1: Fire and Ground Powerhouse

  • Charizard
  • Garchomp
  • Lucario (for Fighting-type coverage)
  • Ferrothorn (for defensive support)
  • Rotom-Heat (for additional Fire-type coverage)
  • Gengar (for Ghost-type coverage and status moves)

Team 2: Psychic Dominance

  • Alakazam
  • Metagross
  • Espeon
  • Slowbro (for defensive support and status moves)
  • Latios/Latias (for Dragon-type coverage and utility)
  • Darkrai (for Dark-type coverage and status moves)

Team 3: Balanced Approach

  • Infernape
  • Landorus-Therian
  • Tyranitar (for Rock-type coverage and physical bulk)
  • Heatran (for Fire and Steel-type coverage and defensive bulk)
  • Scizor (for Steel-type coverage and physical bulk)
  • Weavile (for Dark and Ice-type coverage and speed)

Additional Tips

How To Beat Dynamax Beldum
  • Utilize Status Moves: Status moves can weaken Dynamax Beldum, such as Thunder Wave and Toxic Spikes.
  • Prioritize Speed: Faster Pokémon can outspeed Dynamax Beldum and land the first blow.
  • Defend Your Team: Use wall Pokémon such as Ferrothorn or Slowbro to absorb damage and take status conditions for your team.
  • Adapt to the Circumstances: Be very flexible and change your plan according to the moves used and abilities of Dynamax Beldum.

Properly used counter-strategies that weigh Dynamax Beldum’s strengths and weaknesses together with building a balanced team shall put you ahead of such a competitor. Remember the truth that practice makes perfect and so keep on improving yourself until you have found out that best strategy that favors your playing skills.

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Conquering Dynamax Beldum will have a lot to do with the proper planning and good execution. Knowing the weak points, using the proper Pokémon and moves can best beat this challenging opponent; do not forget that time and speed are what counts when it is about a quick reaction, and the best part is your team is the one who needs it.

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