Ancient Joker Balatro Complete details 2024

Ancient Joker Balatro was a creature of ancient Roman mythology, one in which gods and goddesses reigned in the heavens above while mortals visited the earth. Their presence was at once terrifying and enchanting. The Balatro was routinely depicted as some form of ugly clown or buffoon, but his nature was far removed from the entertainment purposes his appearance might suggest. The grim and hazardous Balatro would best embody the chaotic and unpredictable forces simmering beneath what appeared to be the calm veneer of Roman society.

Origins and Etymology of Ancient Joker Balatro

Ancient Joker Balatro

The exact origins of the Balatro have become slightly clouded, but still, it is held that the term is actually derived from the Latin word “balatro,” meaning “a fool” or “a buffoon.” The association with foolishness perhaps comes off as ironic, considering the Balatro’s oftentimes sinister role in Roman mythology.

All Ancient Joker Balatro

Joker ImageJoker NameAbilityRequirement to Unlock
Joker.pngJoker+4 Mult.Always available!
Greedy joker.pngGreedy JokerPlayed cards with Diamond suit give +3 Mult when scored.Always available!
Greedy Joker
Lusty joker.pngLusty JokerPlayed cards with Heart suit give +3 Mult when scored.Always available!
Lusty Joker
Wrathful joker.pngWrathful JokerPlayed cards with Spade suit give +3 Mult when scored.Always available!
Wrathful Joker
Gluttonous joker.pngGluttonous JokerPlayed cards with Club suit give +3 Mult when scored.Always available!
Gluttonous Joker
Jolly joker.pngJolly Joker+8 Mult if played hand contains a Pair.Always available!
Jolly Joker
Zany joker.pngZany Joker+12 Mult if played hand contains a Three of a Kind.Always available!
Zany Joker
Mad joker.pngMad Joker+20 Mult if played hand contains a Four of a Kind.Always available!
Mad Joker
Crazy joker.pngCrazy Joker+12 Mult if played hand contains a Straight.Always available!
Crazy Joker
Droll joker.pngDroll Joker+10 Mult if played hand contains a Flush.Always available!
Droll Joker
Balatro-sly joker.pngSly Joker+50 Chips if played hand contains a Pair.Always available!
Sly Joker
Balatro-wily joker.pngWily Joker+100 Chips if played hand contains a Three of a Kind.Always available!
Wily Joker
Balatro-clever joker.pngClever Joker+150 Chips if played hand contains a Four of a Kind.Always available!
Clever Joker
Balatro-devious joker.pngDevious Joker+100 Chips if played hand contains a Straight.Always available!
Devious Joker
Balatro-crafty joker.pngCrafty Joker+80 Chips if played hand contains a Flush.Always available!
Devious Joker
Half joker.pngHalf Joker+20 Mult if played hand contains 3 or fewer cards.Always available!
Half Joker
Joker stencil.pngJoker StencilX1 Mult for each empty ”Joker” slot (Joker Stencil included).Always available!
Joker Stencil
Four fingers.pngFour FingersAll Flushes and Straights can be made with 4 cards.Always available!
Four Fingers
Mime.pngMimeRetrigger all card held in hand abilities.Always available!
Credit card.pngCredit CardGo up to -$20 in debt.Always available!
Credit Card
Ceremonial dagger2.pngCeremonial DaggerWhen Blind is selected, destroy Joker to the right and permanently add double its sell value to this Mult.Always available!
Ceremonial Dagger
Banner.pngBanner+30 Chips for each remaining discard.Always available!
Mystic summit.pngMystic Summit+15 Mult when 0 discards remaining.Always available!
Mystic Summit
Marble joker.pngMarble JokerAdds one Stone card to the deck when Blind is selected.Always available!
Marble Joker
Loyalty card.pngLoyalty CardX4 Mult every 6 hands played.Always available!
Loyalty Card
8 ball.png8 BallCreate a Planet card if played hand contains 2 or more 8s.Always available!
8 Ball
Misprint.pngMisprint+Mult between 0 and 23.Always available!
Dusk.pngDuskRetrigger all played cards in final hand of round.Always available!
Raised fist.pngRaised FistAdds double the rank of lowest card held in hand to Mult.Always available!
Raised Fist
Chaos the clown.pngChaos the Clown1 free Reroll per shop.Always available!
Chaos the Clown
Fibonacci.pngFibonacciEach played Ace, 2, 3, 5, or 8 gives +8 Mult when scored.Always available!
Steel joker.pngSteel JokerThis Joker gains X0.2 Mult for each Steel Card in your full deck.Always available!
Scary face.pngScary FacePlayed face cards give +30 Chips when scored.Always available!
Scary Face
Abstract joker.pngAbstract Joker+3 Mult for each Joker card.Always available!
Abstract Joker
Delayed gratification.pngDelayed GratificationEarn $2 per discard if no discards are used by end of the round.Always available!
Delayed Gratification
Hack.pngHackRetrigger each played 2, 3, 4, 5.Always available!
Pareidolia.pngPareidoliaAll cards are considered face cards.Always available!
Gros michel.pngGros Michel+15 Mult 1 in 6 chance this card is destroyed at end of round.Always available!
Gros Michel
Even steven.pngEven StevenPlayed cards with even rank give +4 Mult when scored.Always available!
Even Steven
Odd todd.pngOdd ToddPlayed cards with odd rank give +31 Chips when scored.Always available!
Odd Todd
Scholar.pngScholarPlayed Aces give +20 Chips and +4 Mult when scored.Always available!
Business card.pngBusiness CardPlayed face cards have a 1 in 2 chance to give $2 when scored.Always available!
Business Card
Supernova.pngSupernovaAdds the number of times poker hand has been played to Mult.Always available!
Ride the bus.pngRide the Bus+1 Mult per consecutive hand played without a scoring face card.Always available!
Ride the Bus
Space joker.pngSpace Joker1 in 4 chance to upgrade level of played poker hand.Always available!
Space Joker
Egg.pngEggGains $3 of sell value at end of round.Always available!
Burglar.pngBurglarWhen Blind is selected, gain +3 Hands and lose all discards.Always available!
Blackboard.pngBlackboardX3 Mult if all cards held in hand are Spades or ClubsAlways available!
Runner.pngRunnerGains +15 Chips if played hand contains a Straight.Always available!
Ice cream.pngIce Cream+100 Chips -5 Chips for every hand played.Always available!
Ice Cream
DNA.pngDNAIf first hand of round has only 1 card, add a permanent copy to deck and draw it to hand.Always available!
Splash.pngSplashEvery played card counts in scoring.Always available!
Blue joker.pngBlue Joker+2 Chips for each remaining card in deck.Always available!
Blue Joker
Sixth sense.pngSixth SenseIf first hand of round is a single 6, destroy it and create a Spectral card.Always available!
Sixth Sense
Constellation.pngConstellationGains X0.1 Mult per Planet card used.Always available!
Hiker.pngHikerEvery played card permanently gains +5 Chips when scored.Always available!
Faceless joker.pngFaceless JokerEarn $5 if 3 or more face cards are discarded at the same time.Always available!
Faceless Joker
Green joker.pngGreen Joker+1 Mult per hand played -1 Mult per discard.Always available!
Green Joker
Superposition.pngSuperpositionCreate a Tarot card if poker hand contains an Ace and a Straight.Always available!
To do list.pngTo Do ListEarn $5 if poker hand is a Two Pair, poker hand changes at end of round.Always available!
To Do List
Cavendish.pngCavendishX3 Mult 1 in 1000 chance this card is destroyed at end of round.Only has a chance to appear after Gros Michel destroys itself.
Card sharp.pngCard SharpX3 Mult if played poker hand has already been played this round.Always available!
Card Sharp
Red card.pngRed CardGains +3 Mult when any Boost Pack is skipped.Always available!
Red Card
Madness.pngMadnessWhen Small Blind or Big Blind is selected, gain X0.5 Mult and destroy a random Joker.Always available!
Square joker.pngSquare JokerGains +4 Chip if played hand has exactly 4 cards.Always available!
Square Joker
Seance.pngSéanceIf poker hand is a Straight Flush, create a random Spectral card.Always available!
Riff raff.pngRiff-RaffWhen Blind is selected, create 2 Common Jokers.Always available!
Vampire.pngVampireGains X0.2 Mult per Enhanced card played, removes card Enhancement.Always available!
Shortcut.pngShortcutAllows Straights to be made with gaps of 1 rank.Always available!
Hologram.pngHologramGains X0.25 Mult per playing card added to your deck.Always available!
Vagabond.pngVagabondCreate a Tarot card in hand is played with $4 or less.Always available!
Baron.pngBaronEach King held in hand gives X1.5 Mult.Always available!
Cloud 9.pngCloud 9Earn $1 for each 9 in your full deck at end of round.Always available!
Cloud 9
Rocket.pngRocketEarn $1 at end of round. Gains $2 when Boss Blind is defeated.Always available!
Obelisk.pngObeliskX0.2 Mult per consecutive hand played without playing your most played poker hand.Always available!
Midas mask.pngMidas MaskAll face cards become Gold cards when played.Always available!
Midas Mask
Luchador.pngLuchadorSell this card to disable the current Boss Blind.Always available!
Photograph.pngPhotographFirst played face card give X2 Mult when scored.Always available!
Gift card.pngGift CardAdd $1 of sell value to every Joker and Consumable card at end round.Always available!
Gift Card
Turtle bean.pngTurtle Bean+5 hand size, reduces by 1 every round.Always available!
Turtle Bean
Erosion.pngErosion+4 Mult for each card below 52 in your full deck.Always available!
Reserved parking.pngReserved ParkingEach face card held in hand has a 1 in 2 chance to give $1.Always available!
Reserved Parking
Mail in rebate.pngMail-In RebateEarn $3 for each discarded Ace, rank changes every round.Always available!
Mail-In Rebate
To the moon.pngTo the MoonEarn an extra $1 of interest for every $5 you have at end of round.Always available!
To the Moon
Hallucination.pngHallucination1 in 2 chance to create a Tarot card when any Booster Pack is opened.Always available!
Fortune teller.pngFortune Teller+1 Mult per Tarot card used this run.Always available!
Fortune Teller
Juggler.pngJuggler+1 hand size.Always available!
Drunkard.pngDrunkard+1 discard.Always available!
Stone joker.pngStone JokerThis Joker gains +25 Chips for each Stone Card in your full deck.Always available!
Stone Joker
Golden joker.pngGolden JokerEarn $4 at end of round.Always available!
Golden Joker
Lucky cat.pngLucky CatGains X0.25 Mult each time a Lucky card successfully triggers.Always available!
Lucky Cat
Baseball card.pngBaseball CardUncommon Jokers each give X1.5 Mult.Always available!
Baseball Card
Bull.pngBull+2 Chips for each dollar you have.Always available!
Diet cola.pngDiet ColaSee this card to create a free Double Tag.Always available!
Diet Cola
Trading card.pngTrading CardIf first discard of round has only 1 card, destroy it and earn $3.Always available!
Trading Card
Flash card.pngFlash Card+2 Mult per reroll in the shop.Always available!
Flash Card
Popcorn.pngPopcorn+20 Mult -4 Mult per round played.Always available!
Spare trousers.pngSpare TrousersGains +2 Mult if played hand contains a Two Pair.Always available!
Spare Trousers
Ancient joker.pngAncient JokerEach played card with Spade suit gives X1.5 Mult when scored, suit changes at end of round.Always available!
Ancient Joker
Ramen.pngRamenX2 Mult, loses X0.01 Mult per card discared.Always available!
Walkie talkie.pngWalkie TalkieEach played 10 or 4 gives +10 Chips and +4 Mult when scored.Always available!
Walkier Talkie
Seltzer.pngSeltzerRetrigger all cards played for the next 10 hands.Always available!
Castle.pngCastleThis Joker gains +3 Chips per discarded Spade card, suit changes every round.Always available!
Smiley face.pngSmiley FacePlayed face cards give +5 Mult when scored.Always available!
Smiley Face
Campfire.pngCampfireThis Joker gains X0.5 Mult for each card sold, resets when Boss Blind is defeated.Always available!
Golden ticket.pngGolden TicketPlayed Gold cards earn $4 when scored.Play a 5 card hand that contains only Gold cards.
Golden Ticket
Mr bones.pngMr. BonesPrevents Death if chips scored are at least 25% of required chips. Self Destructs.Lose 5 runs.
Mr. Bones
Acrobat.pngAcrobatX3 Mult on final hand of round.Play 200 hands.
Sock and buskin.pngSock and BuskinRetrigger all played face cards.Play 300 face cards.
Play 300 face cards.
Swashbuckler.pngSwashbucklerAdds the sell value of all other owned Jokers to Mult.Sell 20 Joker cards.
Troubadour.pngTroubadour+2 hand size, -1 hands per round.Win 5 consecutive rounds by playing only 1 hand.
Certificate.pngCertificateWhen round begins add a random playing card with a random seal to your hand.Have a Gold playing card with a Gold Seal.
Smeared joker.pngSmeared JokerHearts and Diamonds count as the same suit, Spades and Clubs count as the same suits.Have at least 3 Wild Card in your deck.
Smeared Joker
Throwback.pngThrowbackX0.025 Mult for each Blind skipped this run.Continue a saved run from the main menu.
Hanging chad.pngHanging ChadRetrigger first played card used in scoring 2 additional times.Beat a Boss blind with a High Card.
Hanging Chad
Rough gem.pngRough GemPlayed cards with Diamond suit earn $1 when scored.Have at least 30 cards with Diamond suit in your deck.
Rough Gem
Bloodstone.pngBloodstone1 in 2 chance for played cards with Heart suit to give X1.5 Mult when scored.Have at least 30 cards with Heart suit in your deck.
Arrowhead.pngArrowheadPlayed cards with Spade suit give +50 Chips when scored.Have at least 30 cards with Spade suit in your deck.
Onyx agate.pngOnyx AgatePlayed cards with Club suit give +7 Mult.Have at least 30 cards with Club suit in your deck.
Onyx Agate
Glass jokers.pngGlass JokerGains X0.75 Mult for every Glass Card that is destroyed.Have at least 5 Glass Cards in your deck.
Glass Joker
Showman.pngShowmanJokerTarotPlanet, and Spectral cards may appear multiple times.Reach Ante level 4.
Flower pot.pngFlower PotX3 Mult if played hand contains a Diamond card, Club card, Heart card, and Spade card.Reach Ante level 8.
Flower Pot
Blueprint2.pngBlueprintCopies ability of Jokers to the right.Win a run.
Wee joker.pngWee JokerThis Joker gains +8 Chips when each played 2 is scored.Win a run in 18 or fewer rounds.
Wee Joker
Merry andy.pngMerry Andy+3 discards, -1 hand size.Win a run in 12 or fewer rounds.
Merry Andy
Oops all 6s.pngOops! All 6sDoubles all listed probabilities.In one hand, earn at least 10,000 chips.
Oops! all 6s
The idol.pngThe IdolEach played Ace of Spades gives X2 Mult when scored (card changes every round).In one hand, earn at least 1,000,000 chips.
The Idol
Seeing double.pngSeeing DoubleX2 Mult if played hand has a scoring Club card and a scoring card of any other suit.Play a hand that contains four of 7 Clubs.
Seeing Double
Matador.pngMatadorEarn $8 if played hand triggers the Boss Blind ability.Defeat a Boss Blind in 1 hand without using any discards.
Hit the road.pngHit the RoadGains X0.5 Mult per discarded Jack this round.Discard 5 Jacks at the same time.
Hit the Road
The duo.pngThe DuoX2 Mult if played hand contains a Pair.Win a run without playing a Pair.
The Duo
The trio.pngThe TrioX2 Mult if played hand contains a Three of a Kind.Win a run without playing a Three of a Kind.
The Trio
The family.pngThe FamilyX2 Mult if played hand contains a Four of a Kind.Win a run without playing a Four of a Kind.
The Family
The order.pngThe OrderX2 Mult if played hand contains a Straight.Win a run without playing a Straight.
The Order
The tribe.pngThe TribeX2 Mult if played hand contains a Flush.Win a run without playing a Flush.
The Tribe
Stuntman.pngStuntman+250 Chips, -2 hand size.In one hand, earn at least 100,000,000 chips.
Invisible joker.pngInvisible JokerAfter 2 rounds, sell this card to Duplicate a random Joker.Win a run without ever having more than 4 Jokers.
Invisible Joker
Brainstorm.pngBrainstormCopies the ability of leftmost Joker.Discard a Royal Flush.
Satellite.pngSatelliteEarn $1 at end of round per unique Planet card used this run.Have $400 or more.
Shoot the moon.pngShoot the Moon+13 Mult for each Queen held in hand.Play every Heart in your deck in a single round.
Shoot the Moon
Drivers license.pngDriver’s LicenseX3 Mult if you have at least 16 Enhanced cards in your full deck.Enhance 16 cards in your deck.
Driver’s License
Cartomancer.pngCartomancerCreate a Tarot card when Blind is selected.Discover every Tarot card.
Astronomer.pngAstronomerAll Planet cards and Celestial Packs in shop are free.Discover every Planet card.
Burnt joker.pngBurnt JokerUpgrade the level of the first discarded poker hand each round.Sell a total of 50 cards.
Burnt Joker
Bootstraps.pngBootstraps+2 Mult for every $5 you have.Have at least 2 Polychrome Jokers.
Canio.pngCanioGains X1 Mult when a face card is destroyed.Found within the Soul Spectral Card.
Triboulet.pngTribouletPlayed Kings and Queens each give X2 Mult when scored.Found within the Soul Spectral Card.
Yorick.pngYorickX5 Mult only after using 23 discards.Found within the Soul Spectral Card.
Chicot.pngChicotDisables effect of every Boss Blind.Found within the Soul Spectral Card.
Perkeo.pngPerkeoCreates a Negative copy of 1 random consumable card in your possession at the end of the shop.Found within the Soul Spectral Card.

The Role of the Ancient Joker Balatro

It was more than just a buffoon. He was representative of the illogical, uncontrollable, and subversive. In a society which laid emphasis on order and security, the Balatro represented the chaotic forces set to turn upside down the status quo into a Roman society.

Top Ancient Joker Balatro

Temporary Tempo Flat Jokers (Ice Cream, Popcorn)

Joker ImageJoker NameRarityAbilityRequirement to Unlock
Ice cream.pngIce CreamCommon+100 Chips -5 Chips for every hand played.Always available!
Popcorn.pngPopcornCommon+20 Mult -4 Mult per round played.Always available!

Economy Jokers (Golden Joker, Egg, Business Card, Delayed Gratification, Riff-Raff, Hallucination, Chaos the Clown, Sixth Sense)

Joker ImageJoker NameRarityAbilityRequirement to Unlock
Golden joker.pngGolden JokerCommonEarn $4 at end of round.Always available!
Egg.pngEggCommonGains $3 of sell value at end of round.Always available!
Business card.pngBusiness CardCommonPlayed face cards have a 1 in 2 chance to give $2 when scored.Always available!
Delayed gratification.pngDelayed GratificationCommonEarn $2 per discard if no discards are used by end of the round.Always available!
Riff raff.pngRiff-RaffCommonWhen Blind is selected, create 2 Common Jokers.Always available!
Hallucination.pngHallucinationCommon1 in 2 chance to create a Tarot card when any Booster Pack is opened.Always available!
Chaos the clown.pngChaos the ClownCommon1 free Reroll per shop.Always available!
Sixth sense.pngSixth SenseCommonIf first hand of round is a single 6, destroy it and create a Spectral card.Always available!

xponential Growth “Per” Jokers (Fortune Teller, Supernova)

Joker ImageJoker NameRarityAbilityRequirement to Unlock
Fortune teller.pngFortune TellerCommon+1 Mult per Tarot card used this run.Always available!
Supernova.pngSupernovaCommonAdds the number of times poker hand has been played to Mult.Always available!

Scaling Jokers Early On (Ride The Bus, Runner, Green Joker, Square Joker)

Joker ImageJoker NameRarityAbilityRequirement to Unlock
Ride the bus.pngRide the BusCommon+1 Mult per consecutive hand played without a scoring face card.Always available!
Runner.pngRunnerCommonGains +10 Chips if played hand contains a Straight.Always available!
Green joker.pngGreen JokerCommon+1 Mult per hand played -1 Mult per discard.Always available!
Square joker.pngSquare JokerCommonGains +4 Chip if played hand has exactly 4 cards.Always available!

Generically Strong Scoring Enhancers (Greedy/Lusty/Wrathful/Gluttonous Joker, Scary Face, Photograph, Gros Michel)

Joker ImageJoker NameRarityAbilityRequirement to Unlock
Greedy joker.pngGreedy JokerCommonPlayed cards with Diamond suit give +4 Mult when scored.Always available!
Lusty joker.pngLusty JokerCommonPlayed cards with Heart suit give +4 Mult when scored.Always available!
Wrathful joker.pngWrathful JokerCommonPlayed cards with Spade suit give +4 Mult when scored.Always available!
Gluttonous joker.pngGluttonous JokerCommonPlayed cards with Club suit give +4 Mult when scored.Always available!
Scary face.pngScary FaceCommonPlayed face cards give +30 Chips when scored.Always available!
Photograph.pngPhotographCommonFirst played face card give X2 Mult when scored.Always available!
Gros michel.pngGros MichelCommon+15 Mult 1 in 4 chance this card is destroyed at end of round.Always available!

The Balatro in Roman Literature

The Balatro thus crops up everywhere in Roman literature, from comedies to satires, with some variation. As one of the characters in the plays of Plautus, he is the one who, through his acumen and knavery, comes out to outmaneuver his more serious fellow characters. But often, his wit takes a sinister turn because, after all, a scheme concocted by a Balatro can turn out to have grave consequences.

The Balatro’s Connection to the Gods

Ancient Joker Balatro

Most of the latter were associated with the gods embodying the chaotic side of life. A good example is that of Traumas the god of time and pastoral care, and while Saturn is a god of time and harvest, he too is supposed to be prone to chaos and is unpredictable. Much the same as Saturn is a god who is somehow unpredictable and sometimes violent in that he consumes his own children, so was Balatro the chameleon-like reflection of the god’s chaotic side.

The Balatro as a Symbol of Social Critique

The Balatro was a mythological figure, as well as the very crucial and potent social critique symbol. More or less a personage who satirized vices and folly of the Roman society, he brought forth some form of social comment—usually humorous, yet relevant.

The Ancient Joker Balatro Legacy

His legacy has been living on for centuries. This ancient clown figure has carried through to the modern and has not only kept himself alive but grown in prominence in today’s popular culture. From chaotic and unpredictable figures in Shakespeare’s King Lear to much of the superhero comics produced today, this character is one of the models upon which the Balatro has influenced and left its mark.


That is what’s fascinating about theAncient Joker Balatro: it’s the figure that best shows the chaotic, unpredictable, sometimes quite dangerous currents flowing beneath Roman veneered society. Thus it came to stand for a kind of critique but was also the harbinger of chaos, through which we perennially are enchanted with the strong effect of mythology and folklore.

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